New Refrigeration Technology
New Product Development is the life blood of IDW. Innovation is in our DNA. Whether it’s POP displays to help grow your business, or double and single door refrigerators, we are are constantly seeking new ways to introduce new products to the market. As the retail landscape continues to change, and the rapid increase of new brands and packages (both on and off the shelf) continues to evolve to meet consumer’s fast changing demands, there is no shortage of opportunities for IDW to develop unique in-store marketing equipment to capture the latest trends at retail. Additionally, new technologies provide ever changing ways to upset the status quo in our industry and introduce totally new solutions and tools that more effectively enable brand marketers and retailers to understand, promote, and grow their business.
What's New
IDW is committed to leveraging the latest technologies to deliver state of the art in-store marketing equipment to our customers around the world. From high efficiency brushless DC fan motors and compressors that run on natural refrigerants, to LED and LCD technologies that bring your products and promotional videos to life, to smart controllers utilizing bluetooth and ioT technologies that empower brand marketers and retailers with real time data and trend analysis. IDW is working to utilize these emerging technologies to lead the market with the next generation of cold equipment and in-store marketing solutions. Efficiently and Cost-Effectively.
Please contact IDW to learn more about WHAT'S NEW or Contact Us if you have any questions or want to get started with us today.