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Trends Impacting Global Food and Beverage Brands

Maintaining a dominant position in the global food and beverage landscape has forced large-scale producers to take stock of emergent market trends and forces.  In this article, we’ll break down...

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The challenges for brand marketers to gain entrance into Uber Eats

Uber Eats is a powerful, driving force in today’s food delivery market.  Food delivery today is a competitive space, with Amazon, DoorDash, and many other large players in the game...

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How salty snacks help drive sales for immediate consumption beverages

For the majority of consumers today, sitting down to have a full meal three times per day just isn’t possible.  From the combination of longer work hours, increased commute times,...

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Ready-to-drink coffee – the next big thing?

Ready-to-drink coffee is poised to become a major force in the global beverage industry.  With profits projected to top 100 billion dollars a year annually by 2024, the ready-to-drink coffee...

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Is the US regulatory structure hampering growth in immediate consumption beer market?

The explosion of craft breweries in the United States over the last decade is staggering, and shows no signs of dying out.  The surge in craft brewing and immediate consumption...

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How Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods will impact the global beverage brands

Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods earlier this year marked a turning point in the fresh grocery and natural foods industry.  Amazon’s entrance into the natural foods and fresh produce market...

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Dollar General – A Case Study for Explosive Growth

Founded in 1955 in rural Kentucky, today Dollar General is a formidable presence in the discount store market.  With a projected expansion of 1,000 stores in 2017, Dollar General’s growth...

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Technology Improvements in Sea Transport Vessels

Today’s maritime industry is undergoing a technological transformation.  Nowhere is this more visible than in the way technology is being integrated into the design, manufacturing, and deployment of sea transport...

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The Ebb and Flow of Global Ocean Transport Costs and How it is Affecting Manufacturers

One of the primary considerations affecting today’s manufacturers is how to efficiently get their products to market.  The physical process of moving goods from one location to the other is...

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IoT: Using Connectivity to Improve Operations, Drive Sales, and Connect with Consumers

Internet of Things (IoT) technology harnesses the combined power of connectivity and data to provide greater operational awareness and drive innovation.  Since its inception, IoT has been used in a...

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